I work at the Pregnancy Resource Center in Pelham, Alabama. There is a misconception that is widely accepted about pregnancy centers. What I hear the most is that we're pushing "our agenda" on women, forcing them to make the decision we want, scaring them out of abortion. Let me tell you what we actually do. When a woman comes in, more often than not, she is the only one who knows she's pregnant. She hasn't felt comfortable enough to talk to anyone about this, especially the people in her life who love her most. Fear of disappointment, fear of failure, fear of rejection - these are all things she is up against. We offer her a free pregnancy test, free peer counseling, a free ultrasound, and if the test is positive, free prenatal classes, free parenting classes, free material assistance, referrals to other organizations that may also be able to help her... everything is free. In the peer counseling session, we listen. We take in her background, her fears, her current situation, her roadblocks, her support system, and basically anything she needs to get off her chest in a safe environment. And then we give her information on her three choices: parenting, abortion and adoption. Yes, abortion too. (Cue the gasps) "But I thought y'all just tried to get them to choose life and scare them out of abortion."
Look, what I think in a woman's situation is not important to her. My job is to give her every bit of information she needs so that SHE can make an informed decision. My only job is to move her from a knee jerk reaction to a place of research so that she can make a decision for herself. The information she receives speaks for itself - I don't need to insert my opinion. And no, we're not giving women graphic pictures of aborted babies - WE DON'T EVEN WANT TO SEE THAT. It's purely factual information. Sometimes we spend 45 minutes with a woman - sometime we spend an hour and a half with a woman - it just depends on her needs, how much she needs to talk, etc. And again, everything we offer is free.
We've figured out that for each pregnancy test or ultrasound visit, it costs $30 per visit. Think about something you recently spent $30 on. For me recently, I've been able to fill up my car with gas for a little less than $30, and I have been THRILLED! I picked up dinner for my family dinner recently for about $30. In this scenario though, $30 can provide one woman something that she can't get anywhere else: free medical services, a shoulder to cry on, someone who understands her fears and won't judge her, information that she needs, a calming and safe environment in the midst of her whirlwind.
Y'all, we need help to be able to provide this service to women. And this is where I ask you to help me. My family has a team for the LifeSaver Walk and Family Fun Day to try and raise support for the Pregnancy Resource Center. How many lives do you want to impact? Even though you may never meet any of these women in your lifetime, how many of them do you want to help, knowing that you are making a difference in her life, and ultimately, the life of her child? I am challenging us all to start a love revolution - to love on these women when they need it most. They don't need people screaming at them; they need LOVE! Without the PRC, these women will go at this alone, with zero support, and keep believing the lies that they are unworthy, with no value, used goods, and worth nothing more than being used and abused. Women deserve better.
Join the love revolution here. I promise it will be the best $30 you ever spent.
If you want to do more, join our team and walk with us. Our team is Sanford and Sons, and there will be activities and games for the kids to give you all a fun Saturday to spend together.
Don't want to walk? Just come to the Family Fun Day and have a blast.
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